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Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of 'Hamlin' sweet orange PAB
Mendes,Beatriz Madalena Januzzi; Boscariol,Raquel Luciana; Mourão Filho,Francisco de Assis Alves; Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de.
The development and optimization of efficient transformation protocols is essential in new citrus breeding programs, not only for rootstock, but also for scion improvement. Transgenic 'Hamlin' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) plants were obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of epicotyl segments collected from seedlings germinated in vitro. Factors influencing genetic transformation efficiency were evaluated including seedling incubation conditions, time of inoculation with Agrobacterium and co-culture conditions. Epicotyl segments were adequate explants for transformation, regenerating plants by direct organogenesis. Higher percentage of transformation was obtained with explants collected from seedlings germinated in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Citrus sinensis; Epicotyls; Seedlings; Transgenics; Breeding methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Citrus sinensis and Citrus limonia epicotyl segments Scientia Agricola
Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de; Mourão Filho,Francisco de Assis Alves; Mendes,Beatriz Madalena Januzzi; Pavan,Alexandra; Rodriguez,Adriana Pinheiro Martinelli.
Genetic transformation allows the release of improved cultivars with desirable characteristics in a shorter period of time and therefore may be useful in citrus breeding programs. The objective of this research was to establish a protocol for genetic transformation of Valencia and Natal sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) and Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia L. Osbeck). Epicotyl segments of germinated in vitro plantlets (three weeks in darkness and two weeks in a 16-h photoperiod) were used as explants. These were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA-105 and different experiments were done to evaluate the transformation efficiency: explants were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium for one, three or five days; explants were incubated with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Genetic transformation; Organogenesis; Micrografting; Improvement.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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In vitro callus induction and development of Vernonia condensata Baker with embryogenic potential Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Rodrigues,Fabíola Rebouças; Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de; Ledo,Carlos Alberto da Silva; Soares,Taliane Leila; Rossi,Mônica Lanzoni; Santana,José Raniere Ferreira de.
ABSTRACT Vernonia condensata Baker has been traditionally used in folk medicine for the treatment of several inflammatory and infectious processes. Overexploitation of this plant species has drastically reduced its population in its natural habitat (Cerrado). Therefore, tissue culture tools, such as somatic embryogenesis, can be used as an alternative method for rapid and large-scale plant regeneration. The objectives of this study were to induce callogenesis in Vernonia condensata from different types of explants and to evaluate the structural aspects of the development of pro-embryogenic masses of this species by means of histological analyses. The formation of calli was induced from leaf explants and internodal segments, which were inoculated in EME...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alumã; In vitro culture of calli; Anatomical analysis; Scanning electron microscopy; Growth regulators..
Ano: 2020 URL:
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In vitro organogenesis optimization and plantlet regeneration in Citrus sinensis and C. limonia Scientia Agricola
Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de; Mourão Filho,Francisco de Assis Alves; Mendes,Beatriz Madalena Januzzi; Rodriguez,Adriana Pinheiro Martinelli.
Exogenous genes can be introduced in plants by genetic transformation techniques. However, an efficient tissue culture system with high rates of plant recovery is necessary for gene introduction. This work aimed to define organogenesis and plant regeneration protocols for sweet orange varieties Natal, Valencia and Hamlin (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) and Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia L. Osbeck) which can be used in plant transformation experiments. Seeds of which teguments were removed, were germinated in vitro and maintained in the dark for three weeks, followed by one week at 16-h photoperiod (40 µmol m-2 s-1) and 27 ± 2°C. Organogenesis induction was done by introducing epicotyl segments in MT medium with 25 g L-1 sucrose and different BAP concentrations....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adventitious bud; Rooting; Genetic transformation.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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In vitro regeneration and morphogenesis of somatic embryos of cassava Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Vidal,Ádila Melo; Costa,Maria Angélica Pereira de Carvalho; Souza,Antônio da Silva; Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de; Souza,Fernanda Vidigal Duarte.
In this study, the somatic embryogenesis and regeneration of Cigana Preta plants from shoot apices and immature leaves taken from plants cultivated in vitro were examined. To embryo induction the explants were cultivated in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) or 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (Picloram) at concentrations of 8.0 and 12 mg L-1. To development of embryos two media cultures with different concentration of BAP (D1 or D2) were evaluated. Embryos in the cotyledonary stage were incubated in germination medium containing MS salts and vitamins, 2.0 µM copper sulfate, 2.4 g L-1 of Phytagel® and 1.77 µM BAP. The highest frequency of calluses and the greatest number of embryos per explant were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cassava; Somatic embryogenesis; Regulators-plants.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Otimização de protocolos para regeneração de plantas in vitro de tangerina 'Cleópatra' (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tan.) Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Silva,Rosely Pereira da; Souza,Elma dos Santos; Rebouças,Fabíola Santana; Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de.
O sucesso de técnicas biotecnológicas no melhoramento in vitro de citros está condicionado à existência prévia de uma metodologia eficiente de regeneração de plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um sistema para regeneração de plantas in vitro, via organogênese de tangerina Cleópatra (Citrus reshni Hort. Ex Tan.). Experimentos avaliando concentrações de BAP (benzilaminopurina) e condições de cultivo, posição e polaridade do segmento de epicótilo, no meio de cultura, foram desenvolvidos para maximizar a regeneração. Para a indução das brotações, segmentos de epicótilo (1,0 cm de comprimento) foram cultivados em meio de cultura MT (Murashige & Tucker, 1969). Após 45 dias, foram avaliados: percentual de explantes responsivos e nº. de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cultivo in vitro; Organogênese; Tangerina; Citrus.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Regeneração de plantas de laranja 'Pêra' via organogênese in vitro PAB
Silva,Rosely Pereira da; Costa,Maria Angélica Pereira de Carvalho; Souza,Antonio da Silva; Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um protocolo eficiente de regeneração de plantas in vitro, via organogênese em explante juvenil de laranja 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), para atender futuros trabalhos de transformação genética. Segmentos de epicótilo utilizados como explantes foram introduzidos em meio de cultura MT. A fim de maximizar a regeneração de plantas in vitro, foram realizados experimentos para avaliar as concentrações de BAP no meio de cultivo (0, 1, 2, 3 ou 4 mg L-1), tamanho (0,25, 0,5 ou 1 cm), polaridade (basal, medial e apical), posição (horizontal ou vertical), condições de luminosidade (fotoperíodo de 16 horas e escuro por 30 dias) e seccionamento nas extremidades dos explantes, bem como melhores condições para garantir...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Citrus sinensis; Cultura de tecidos; Explante juvenil; Benzilaminopurina; Microenxertia.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Stomatal analysis of citrus somatic hybrids obtained by protoplast fusion PAB
Costa,Maria Angélica Pereira de Carvalho; Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de; Mourão Filho,Francisco de Assis Alves; Mendes,Beatriz Madalena Januzzi; Rodriguez,Adriana Pinheiro Martinelli.
The objective of this work was to evaluate leaf epidermis morphological characteristics of three citrus somatic hybrids, compared to their parents. Parental and somatic hybrid young leaves were collected and processed for scanning electron microscope observations. Citrus polyploid hybrids have fewer stomata per area and these are larger compared to their diploid parental parents. No differences in internal arrangement of the stomatal cells were detected between parental plants and somatic hybrids. Additional studies may determine if these differences will influence physiological behavior of the plants in the field.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stoma; Somatic hybridization; Scanning electron microscopy; Polyploidy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Vernonia condensata Baker: an alternative for large-scale seedling production Ciência Rural
Almeida,Lilia Vieira da Silva; Oliveira,Vania Jesus dos Santos de; Jacobi,Claudia Cecilia Blaszkowski de; Almeida,Weliton Antonio Bastos de; Carvalho,Mariane de Jesus da Silva de.
ABSTRACT: The increasing use of Vernonia condensata Baker highlights the importance of developing strategies to reduce the impact of exploitation on nature reserves. The aim of this study was to establish a micropropagation protocol to produce homogenous plants with high phytosanitary quality. Apical, nodal, and internodal segments of plants grown in the field were used for in vitro growth. The segments were disinfected in sodium hypochlorite solution (1.0 and 2.0%) for 15 and 30 minutes and then transferred to Petri dishes containing MS culture medium for 30 days. A completely randomized factorial experiment (3 x 2 x 2) with five replicates was designed. After this period, a completely randomized in vitro multiplication experiment was carried out with six...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cytokinin; In vitro culture; Environmental sustainability.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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